From The Chairman's Desk

Late Shri M.D. Jambhekar
Chairman, ATSS

We are in the first quarter of the 21st century. This century is a century of Knowledge, Management and Technology. On one hand, we are peeping into the universe to multitude of opportunities, on the other hand, we are finding out what is hidden in the depth of oceans.

On this background, whether you go in the cosmos or in-depth of the ocean, the accuracy, quality of your product and services must be of the highest standard.

The century wherein 'Knowledge' plays a major role to devise these processes near to perfection. We at ATSS-IICMR work hard at a level to make this process of education near to perfection.

Scholarship Facility

200+ Success Stories

100+ Skilled Lecturers

Digital Class exposures

Placement Assistance

Maximum of 17 LAC / Annum

Hostel Facility

Best in Quality